Working standards

We are committed to managing our investments in line with our culture and values.

We’ll do that in a responsible manner and in a safe, efficient and sustainable way. Our aim is to deliver high quality operations while setting good examples on responsible forest management and considering the best interest of the people and the environment. For this reason, we have developed mandatory requirements that our contractors, including harvesting companies, need to meet. They comprise aspects related to:



Worker Health & Safety

Emergencies and Fire Prevention

Recruitment, Working Hours, Wages



Social aspects

All our forestry operations partners – including service providers and clients/buyers – are subject to our internal standards (Terms of Engagement), adapted from IWAY, but tailored for the forestry business.   

These conditions include:

  • Zero tolerance for corruption  
  • Preventing child labor, forced, imposed, or illegal labor  
  • Ensuring medical & social insurance   
  • Safe working conditions and access to water, rest areas, and decent accommodations  
  • Regular and documented wages  
  • Risk assessments and mitigation measures conducted for every working area prior to engaging in activities  
  • Regularly holding trainings on health & safety, operations, and environmental protection  
  • Closely monitoring respect for rules and standards. Our company respects the national and local laws, and we will always work with the national authorities to improve forestry practices
Anexa 4 – Procedura privind soluționarea solicitarilor si reclamațiilor
Politica anticoruptie Etica in afaceri a Ingka Group
Terms of Engagement in Forestland Operations